This interactive training is specially designed for foster/group caregivers and providers to build their understanding and capacity to effectively support 2SLGBTQ+ children and youth in their care. Opportunities are provided for practice skill-building in a foster/group care context to promote health, well-being and positive outcomes for diverse 2SLGBTQ+ youth. Out-of-home providers and caregivers will learn how to affirm their identities, create safe(r) inclusive homes, and support their unique needs, including gender transition and intersecting identities. Gender/sexual identity will be discussed using an intersectional anti-oppression lens in relation to other identity dimensions, including race, culture, ability (including developmental) and newcomer status.
We will also examine organizational strategies specific to out-of-home care facilities to build safe(r), inclusive environments and remove barriers at policy, practice, administrative, leadership/governance and “climate” levels.
This training is unique in its focus on providing core training to front-line staff and service supervisors in multiple settings about the experiences, barriers, risks and needs of diverse 2SLGBTQ+ children and youth in out-of-home care. We will identify sources and manifestations of identity-related trauma for 2SLGBTQ+ youth, as well as factors and practical strategies designed to promote safety, health, wellbeing and positive outcomes for youth to thrive.
Learning Outcomes
- Examine the challenges, barriers and risks faced by diverse 2SLGBTQ+ children and youth.
- Recognize the signs of identity-based trauma when caring for these youth in family-based or group environments.
- Discuss what factors contribute to health, well-being and positive outcomes for 2SLGBTQ+ youth.
- Learn and practice effective strategies to engage, support and affirm diverse 2SLGBTQ+ youth in care-based settings.
- Review organizational strategies for foster/group care that support 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion and reduce hetero-cisnormative barriers.
Who Should Attend
This course is recommended for Foster and group caregivers who care for children and youth; and out-of-home care providers, including supervisors, managers and administrators.
Course Dates & Format
November 28 & 29, 2024
12:30pm-3:30pm ET
This is a 6-hour training. This course consists of two 3-hour interactive virtual sessions using Zoom.
Lorraine Gale, MSW, RSW
Lorraine Gale (MSW, RSW) is an openly queer social worker in Tkaronto (currently known as Toronto) with specialized expertise in supporting 2SLGBTQ+ youth in the child welfare system, using a social justice, equity and systemic change lens. She led the Out and Proud Program at the Children’s Aid Society of Toronto for 28 years, initiating and supporting 2SLGBTQ+ systems change through the development of policies, practice guides, case consultation, research, resource development, capacity-building, education and celebration.
Lorraine founded and led an initiative across the Ontario child welfare sector to develop an organizational self-assessment tool for Indigenous wellbeing and child welfare agencies to assess their capacity to effectively support 2SLGBTQ+ children, youth and families. This initiative supported agencies to develop SOGIE-related work-plans and led to systemic and multi-year government funding to support systems change to better serve diverse 2SLGBTQ+ youth.
Lorraine developed and produced CAS-Toronto’s Out and Proud Affirmation Guidelines (2012) and Expanding the Circle SOGIE Framework (2024), both ground-breaking guides to support safe(r), inclusive, affirming and equitable practices for diverse 2SLGBTQ+ youth served by the child welfare system. She is a researcher on the Trans Youth CAN! team.
* SOGIE – Sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.
Training Fee
Member Fee: $195.00 + $25.35 (HST) = $220.35
Non-Member Fee: $235.00 + $30.55 (HST)= $265.55
Group Registration: Save 20% off individual fee with group registration of 4 or more participants. Download the group registration form HERE.
Continuing Education Information
Licensing boards and professional organizations will grant Continuing Education credits for attendance at their discretion when participants submit the course outline and certificate.
This is available as an in-person or virtual in-service training and customized to suit your needs.